
Патроно — это имидж и архетип Олега Чернэ.After 40 years on the path of practice, perseverance and overcoming, Oleg Cherne was initiated as Patrono. This is his name in the tradition of capoeira, and he accepted it with gratitude.

The name Patrono matches Oleg Cherne’s principal archetype. And to some degree it even replaces the name Chom, another name under which Oleg was known to his followers.

«This name came naturally on my way, because I probably fulfilled such a role at different periods of my life. But upon initiation into this name, it felt like a kind of renewal. I associate this name with the image of the archetype of the godfather, but then with a facet of specific sense,» says Oleg Cherne.

Patrono is the godfather of many practices, since during different periods of time it was necessary to refine and defend the path of development. And today, when he completely surrendered himself to the service of the path, Patrono very naturally perceives practice as a process of cultivation which constitutes essential and substantive part of his life.

Patrono’s name is one of the many initiations that Oleg received in the earlier periods of his life. Amongst them are Jie Kong, Ben Chelero and, of course, Chom.

For Patrono, it is not interesting to examine the past, and he is peaceful about the future. He lives in the present, as he appreciates the process of creation upon which he is still dependent, perhaps.